Maple Computing

Friday, February 24, 2012

AMD vs. Intel

There has been a war between Intel and AMD processors for as long as computers have been up and running. Many varied opinions exist on this topic and people feel very strongly for who they support. People will say Intel is too expensive, or that AMD lacks performance (especially after they released their bulldozer architecture, which many people don't like). In my opinion, both are great processor companies and both have their ups and downs. I for one use AMD processors, they are relatively inexpensive (compared to their Intel counterparts) and they have great performance for the money. To put this in a better perspective, a 3.2Ghz 6-core Intel processor will run you around $500, while a 6-core 3.3ghz AMD processor will run you about $150. Now, as you can see AMD definitely like to run on the in-expensive side, however, Intel does show some amazing performance. For example, the Intel i7 3960X is an absolute beast, one of the best processors on the market (of the top 10 processors on, 9 are Intel) however it will set you back a nice $1,000. CPU's from Intel will definitely bring your machine to the next level, if you are willing to cough up the cash that is. AMD CPU's are far more affordable, and will give most people the performance that they need, they are by no means weak. I'm currently running a machine with a 6-core AMD FX 3.3Ghz processor and I have had no problems and this machine has been able to handle anything I can throw at it, including many MANY tasks running at once. I love AMD CPU's and have failed to see a need for the performance offered up by Intel, especially for such a high price.
If you wish to look a little more into this you can look at CPU benchmarks here: link.
You may read an article comparing Intel to AMD here : link.

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